

Email Verification for 2013 ICANN WHOIS Specification Compliance

Email Verification for 2013 ICANN WHOIS Specification Compliance

Last Modified: August 14, 2024
(Rev. v11.0)
by Ryan T. M. Reiffenberger


This guide is not to be constituted as or considered legal advice. Please consult with your legal council before publishing anything on your website that may be representative of your brand. We provide these guides for reference and context regarding website and domain compliance.

By law, Falls Technology Group as a domain registrar is required to maintain an up-to-date record of domain registrant information in the international WHOIS directory. As part of our commitment to this compliance, you may be asked to verify your email or identify to confirm the ownership of a domain within our organization.

Official ICANN.org Articlehttp://www.icann.org/en/resources/registrars/raa/approved-with-specs-27jun13-en.htm#whois-accuracy

Policy Requirements

  1. Data Collection: Registrars must collect specific data from registrants, including:
    • Full name
    • Postal address
    • Email address
    • Telephone number
    • Administrative and technical contact information
  2. Data Accuracy: Registrars are required to take reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of the data collected. This includes verifying the email address and other contact information.
  3. Data Availability: WHOIS data must be made publicly accessible via a web-based WHOIS service and a port 43 WHOIS service.
  4. Data Privacy: Registrars must provide a way for registrants to opt out of having their information publicly displayed in the WHOIS database, typically through a privacy or proxy service.
  5. Data Retention: Registrars must retain WHOIS data for a certain period (usually two years) after the registration has expired.
  6. Abuse Reporting: Registrars must provide a point of contact for reporting abuse related to the use of WHOIS data.
  7. Compliance and Audits: Registrars are subject to periodic audits by ICANN to ensure compliance with WHOIS requirements.

These requirements are designed to ensure transparency, accuracy, and privacy of domain registration information.

Please note that you may be required to do this more than once if you have several domains or as re-verification becomes required.

Completing The Verification Process

  1. First, check your email inbox (or spam box) for an email with the subject line:
    The verification of your domains is required – <domainname>
  2. Open the email and look for the link starting with:
  3. Click the link, and follow any on-screen steps to complete the verification.

Article Overview

This guide talks about 2013 ICANN Email Verification requirements related to domain names through Falls Technology Group.

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